100 years ago: New gymnasium to enhance Haskell basketball experience

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for Jan. 5, 1916:

  • “When Haskell opens the basketball season next Friday by a game at Emporia with the Kansas State Normal team, the Institute will also start the playing of the longest and heaviest schedule for many years. Athletic Manager Venne has arranged a schedule of twenty games to which others may be added…. Until the beginning of the new gymnasium Haskell was handicapped in putting a first-class team in the field by the fact that the basketball court was covered with pillars. The roof of the new gymnasium is self supporting, and has a seating capacity of over 1,500. With these great improvements Haskell hopes to make a name in the basketball world this year.”
  • “Fire which might have been serious, but for its prompt discovery, did considerable damage in the grocery store of W. A. Guenther on Massachusetts street this morning. Dan Childs of the Varsity theater was in the Journal-World office when he saw the glow of flames in the store across the street and promptly turned in the alarm. The fire was discovered at 1:48 o’clock and was extinguished within a very few minutes. The fire originated in the stock of matches kept in the store. The cause has not been determined. A small area of shelving at one side of the store was badly scorched, and almost the entire stock was damaged by smoke or water. No estimate of the loss had been made today.”
  • “A robbery at the city Y. M. C. A. last night was reported to the Lawrence police today. W. B. Wilcox reported that $19 had been taken from his trousers pocket while he was at work in the gymnasium. Mr. Wilcox said he had left his trousers in the bowling alley when he had changed to his gym clothes, and that he had bowled awhile, and then gone up to the gymnasium. When he returned to dress for the street the money was missing.”
  • “The committee in charge of the mass meeting which has been called for tomorrow evening to discuss all phases of the appointment of a welfare officer for Lawrence invites a large attendance of the general public in order that a thorough discussion may be had…. It has been called by persons who are in favor of having a welfare officer for the city as provided by an ordinance passed last spring, but it was stated this morning that statements of views opposing the appointment of an officer will be welcomed.”
  • “War relief work is on now for the winter. The women are giving time and work and enthusiasm. They are collecting old linens for a part of the hospital dressings, and are buying new materials for the larger portion of the surgical bandages which are especially called for. They are giving some of the money and they expect the men of Lawrence who appreciate the urgency of this undertaking to stand behind them and give them financial backing.”
  • “One case of smallpox and one case of scarlet fever were reported to the state board of health in November from Douglas county, as published in the December number of the board of health Bulletin just published.”