More than 9,000 Lawrence residents see delay in receiving January water bills

More than 9,000 Lawrence residents are receiving their January water bills late after a city blunder delayed their sending.

Cindy Naff, the customer service supervisor with the city’s utility billing office, said residents of western Lawrence have not been receiving their bills on time for this billing cycle. It affected approximately 9,200 people.

The “mix-up” in the mailing has been fixed, Naff said. The bills, which usually arrive on the 19th or 20th of every month, were mailed Jan. 28. Naff said the due date would be extended for those receiving late bills, to Feb. 9.

Typically, the utility bill is due 20 days from the billing date.

“What we’re basically doing is extending the due date out so there’s no penalties or anything like that,” Naff said. “And we’re not turning anybody off.”