100 years ago: Tickets available for transcontinental KU ‘telephone reunion’

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for April 2, 1916:

  • “‘Good for one telephone for the trans-continental reunion’ is the rather unusual reading of tickets which were left at the Round Corner drug store today for distribution among the University of Kansas alumni. Each ticket will entitle its holder to ‘listen in’ at a telephone the evening of April 8 and hear speakers in New York, Lawrence, and San Francisco addressing gatherings of alumni in the three places. There are 500 tickets…. No charge will be made for the tickets. It was necessary to use them because there will be just 500 telephones installed at the University for the evening, and no more alumni can be accommodated…. Installations of telephones similar to that at the University of Kansas will be made at New York and San Francisco, so that all who attend the reunion there may hear all that is said. Chancellor Strong will be the chief speaker. He will do his talking from Lawrence. The Bell telephone system is banking its reputation on the assertion that he will be heard in New York and San Francisco just as easily as in Lawrence…. A special engineer will be sent to Lawrence by the Bell telephone system to make the installation of telephones for the reunion. Present plans are for holding the reunion in the Fraser hall chapel, but these are subject to change, depending on the mechanical problems of installing the telephones.”
  • “House-cleaning time used to be a season of dreariness, work and woe. Now, labor-saving devices have lessened its burdens. To the woman equipped with all the modern household helps, that range from pneumatic cleaners down, home renovation is merely an incident. And the woman who is not equipped – who still relies on ‘elbow grease’ – is looking with longing eyes towards the stores. A glance through the advertising columns of The Journal-World will give many suggestions as to where things needed in house-cleaning may be obtained.”
  • “Teetotalers and prohibitionists have hailed with joy an intimation by David Lloyd George, the Minister of Munitions, that all patent whisky stills in the British Isles will be taken over by the government for war work until the end of the war, to be used for the production of certain of the ingredients of explosives. There will be no shortage of whisky, however. The distillers say they have a stock in bond quite sufficient to supply the normal consumption for at least three years.”