100 years ago: KU chancellor urges ‘greater simplicity in all things’

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for Sept. 17, 1915:

  • “Greater simplicity in all things, particularly in dress and all display, was urged by Chancellor Frank Strong, in his opening address to students of the University of Kansas, in the first convocation of the school year at Robinson gymnasium at 10 o’clock this morning. While the Chancellor did not intimate that students of the big Lawrence school are any more extravagant than in the average American university, he did say that they were too extravagant in many ways for their own good and that he hoped that this year there would be less display in dress, in the spending of money and in student social events…. The most important thing, he suggested, was a student body swayed by strong moral convictions and upheld by a true religious spirit. ‘College spirit should also be developed,’ the speaker said, ‘and should be clean and should inspire love for the school.'”
  • “The Student Workers’ Association has evolved a new plan for introducing the Kansas University students to their respective church affiliations. Heretofore this has been done through the medium of a mass gathering in Robinson gymnasium held the first of the week of the University opening term. At such gatherings the meeting of the students with representatives of the churches and Sunday schools of their choice was to an extent haphazard, as the gathering lacked coherence…. This year, the association determined upon a different plan, and the meetings at eight different churches in the city is the result. All church doors tonight will be wide open at 8 o’clock sharp.”
  • “Officer Froeliger of the city police force last night arrested Lawrence Tittering as the young man was trying to get out of town after stealing a suit of clothes from the rooming house of Mrs. Daily at 836 New Hampshire street. He had just bought a ticket for Topeka when the officer, who had started out on a telephoned complaint from Mrs. Daily, put in an appearance. Tittering had the stolen clothes in a suitcase which he had checked. The clothes belonged to Donald Grimes, a student in the Lawrence Business College. Tittering pleaded guilty in police court this morning to stealing them, and was sentenced to ninety days in the city jail.”
  • “The great increase in enrollment at the high school this year is attributed by Principal F. H. Olney to mean that freshmen students are doing their first year work satisfactorily and are starting in their second year without any discouragements over their failures of the previous years. In previous years it has been the habit of those who have failed in their initial year to drop out of school and begin work outside. It is seldom that they return to school…. It is a matter of gratification that this tendency appears to have been checked…. Nearly every high school student who has attended only a single term has occasion to wish at some time later on that he had stayed with the educational process a little longer.”
  • “The delivery car of the Wiedemann store bumped into the rear end of a street car at Indiana and Eighth streets yesterday afternoon, while dodging another motor car. The only damage done was a smashed lamp.”
  • “Officer Froeliger found a sack of flour on West Sixth this morning. The sack is waiting at the police station for the owner.”