Style Scout: Shea Greenwell

Name: Shea Greenwell

Age: 5

Hometown: Lawrence

Time in Lawrence: Five years

Occupation: In kindergarten

Dream job: James Bond

What were you doing when scouted? Eating dinner

Describe your style:
Sherlock Holmes and James Bond

Fashion trends you love: James Bond and skinny jeans

Fashion trends you hate: Clothes with holes in them

Fashion influences: Lots of times James Bond; sometimes an Army man; Legos; spy clothes

What are your favorite and least favorite things about Lawrence? My favorite things are The Toy Store, the library, the candy shop, Rudy’s Pizza, 715 and Munchers. I hate traffic.

What’s your spirit animal? A human because I am one.

Who do people say you look like? Usually a girl

Tell us a secret: Do Knock, Knock jokes count? If so, then I like this one. “Knock, knock.” “Who’s there?” “Interrupting cow.” “Interrupting c”–“MOOOO!”