Letter: Clinton lie

To the editor:

The Benghazi hearing confirmed polls that consistently find nearly 60 percent of Americans consider Hillary Clinton dishonest. The hearing showed that Clinton advocated the seven-month bombing of Libya, without congressional approval, that resulted in Libya becoming a haven for terrorist groups like al-Qaida and ISIS.  Ambassador Stevens made 600 requests for additional security, yet Clinton admitted she never communicated with him. Clinton claimed her security staff was solely responsible for Stevens’ safety. Remarkably, despite Stevens’ requests for additional security in an extremely dangerous environment, Clinton never personally reviewed the security measures.

Immediately after Stevens and three others were murdered, Clinton stated in emails that this was a planned al-Qaida attack and not a spontaneous response to an internet video. We know this because the hearing committee discovered that Clinton was secretly using a private server in her home, which the FBI is now investigating.

Clinton and Obama lied when they told us the attack was a spontaneous response to the video. It was several weeks before the 2012 elections, and the truth would have conflicted with Obama’s claim that al-Qaida was no longer a threat. The truth would also have exposed Clinton’s failure to provide adequate security against terrorist attacks.

We have become accustomed to the Clintons lying for political expediency. However, as Hillary Clinton stood over the bodies of the four dead men, she provided a window into her soul by repeating the lie to their grieving families.