Your Turn: Propylon CEO addresses state software concerns

Ensuring that Kansas taxpayers and the hard-earned tax dollars they produce are carefully and wisely utilized is a bedrock objective in providing state services. Whether it’s a program administrator or a private company assisting the state, we all must be prudent managers of public resources

That’s why it’s so important that Kansas taxpayers understand more of what’s been involved in the efforts to address implementation issues surrounding the Kansas Legislature’s computer system.  Unfortunately, some facts about this have been incorrectly reported.    

Propylon (which has offices in Lawrence) has the highest regard for the outstanding work  done by the talented, hard-working staff of the Kansas Legislature. They’re often asked to do the nearly impossible and have it done yesterday. Unfortunately, though, that pace  can lead to developing “work arounds.” Then, when those “work arounds” become embedded in the system, technical problems will inevitably result.  

But those problems can only be resolved when they’re specifically identified and protocols followed for resolution. Unfortunately, that never happened. In July, upon learning of legislative frustrations, we set out to find out what the issues were in an effort to resolve them. Yet this effort was met with further delays such that one member of the legislative leadership asked “why was the matter being slow walked”?

Currently, Propylon is working in partnership with the state to identify the issues associated with the use of the state legislative software. This intense review should prove highly beneficial. Propylon is committed to do our part, be it technical IT changes, communications process changes or any other solution necessary.  

We’re proud of the work we’ve done in Kansas and elsewhere. And we’re not alone. The Kansas project has been recognized at the national level for the goals of achieving transparency in the legislative process. To say that the software is plagued by glitches is simply inaccurate. Thousands of Kansans, no doubt many of them your readers, have accessed information about the Kansas Legislature via the new system. Its capabilities are impressive and we won’t rest until all efforts are made to ensure that those capabilities are appropriately utilized and functioning as designed.