40 years ago: Despite complaints, most residents rate trash service ‘fair’ or better

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for Oct. 6, 1975:

A recent Journal-World survey of more than 50 homes in five Lawrence neighborhoods revealed that the vast majority of local residents found the city sanitation service to be at least fair, with almost as many rating the service good. Only four persons rated the service poor (one respondent said it was “rotten”) and four also rated it excellent. Although many people sounded fatalistic about an eventual rate increase (“They are going to increase it anyway” was a common response), 18 said it would be all right; however, 22 said it would not be justified. The most common complaint was a lack of consistency. Respondents said that trash put out in the morning was sometimes picked up that morning, sometimes in the afternoon, and sometimes not until the following day. The result was that garbage could sit in the alley or on the curb for many hours before pickup, attracting dogs, cats, skunks, and raccoons. The animal problem was mentioned in other complaints as well. “They are always throwing the can everywhere,” said one woman who had given the system a “fair” rating. “The can bets so beat up you can’t put a lid on it; it’s no wonder the dogs are always getting in the trash.”