Letter: Sinful trend

To the editor:

Recent Journal-World articles about declining interest in Christianity — recent USA Today insert, Danforth Chapel changes (J-W, Nov. 9) and the column dealing with same-sex dating (J-W, Nov. 10) — are examples of more to come regarding the deception concerning what is morally wrong with our nation.

I received an e-mail today from the American Family Association. Part of it says, “Here is a statement from a spokesperson at the Department of Education to a Chicago area high school: ‘Unfortunately, Township High School District 211 is not following the law because the district continues to deny a female student the right to use the girls’ locker room.’ What they aren’t mentioning is that the ‘female’ student they are referencing is actually a boy or ‘transgender’ in their terms.”

Dr. Wes Crenshaw says as part of his answer to the girl’s question about exploring same-sex dating is: “Just proceed slowly and keep your heart as safe as possible.” The Bible warns all of us in Proverbs 4:23 to “guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flows the issues of life.” America’s hearts are changing because we have not diligently guarded against sin.

The preceding news reports are examples of how the holiness of God is being profaned. This increasing reproach is a result of the recent Supreme Court decision to allow same-sex marriage. “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34).