Royals fans tear down goal post at KU’s Memorial Stadium

KU official: Slogan was 'Take the Crown' not 'Take the Goal Post'

Workers repair the south goal posts at Kansas University's Memorial Stadium on Monday, Nov. 2, 2015. KU Public Safety said nearly 0,000 in damage was done to the goal posts and a stadium gate after the Royals won the World Series Sunday night.

The goal posts came down Sunday night, but it wasn’t for a KU victory.

Several individuals broke the lock on the south gate to Memorial Stadium after the Royals’ World Series victory, took down a football goal post and tossed it into Potter Lake. KU officials confirmed the incident this morning and said athletic department officials were disappointed that the celebration included vandalism.

“I thought the slogan was ‘Take the Crown’ not ‘Take the Goal Post,'” joked KU associate athletic director Jim Marchiony. “We’re all thrilled about how the Royals have played all year and we’re excited that they won the World Series. I just wish that some folks had chosen to celebrate in a different way. The personal safety issue here is what really worries me, and clearly no thought was given to that. The rest of the disappointment just lies in the destruction of property.”

Capt. James Anguiano of Kansas University Public Safety said KU police are investigating the incident from videos and social media posts and are looking for “several individuals.”

The individuals did damage to the stadium gate and the goal post itself.

“They did about $6,000 in damage to the gate, and about $4,500 to the goal posts, so more than $10,000 in damage was done,” Anguiano said.

If arrested, suspects could face serious charges, including vandalism, criminal damage, theft and burglary, Anguiano said.

He asked that anyone who has information about the vandalism to call KU Public Safety at 864-5900 or Crimestoppers at 864-8888.

By mid-morning Monday, the goal post had been replaced inside the stadium.