Letter: Failed experiment

To the editor:

The great supply side experiment in Kansas has derailed. Rather than admitting the reality, the experimenters are doubling down by raising all sorts of taxes (albeit different ones) and borrowing heavily from our children to replenish the needed state revenue lost to that experiment.  

You would think this outcome would have been apparent in the beginning. With a national economy stagnated by regulation, income transfer and increased employee expenses (real and imagined), how could Kansas (with our small economy) hope to buck that trend? What business owner would reinvest any tax subsidy in growth given the uncertainty such a perception engenders?  It appears the market may have been the primary repository of our largess, not new jobs.

Mr. Brownback and company have lost big time to Mr. Obama and his minions. Of course the people of Kansas (most of them) have had to go along for the ride. It would appear the experiment is now reduced to a simple transfer of our state income stream from mid-level businesses and wealthy individuals to lower-income workers.  

It will take years to fix this mess while Mr. Brownback opines in a cushy job back in Washington. Maybe we can help by electing moderate Republicans and Democrats here in Kansas!