40 years ago: Moving student population keeps utility companies busy

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for May 13, 1975:

A Journal-World article today described the efforts by workers at various utility companies to wrap up the accounts of university students who were finishing with their Lawrence residency. A Journal-World survey showed most utilities considered this their second busiest season, exceeded only by the influx of students in August. Bill Collinson, local manager of Southwestern Bell, reported 2,000 residence hall telephones and 1,200 phones in town had been disconnected in the past few days. Austin Stedham, regional manager at Kansas Power and Light, said his company had brought in extra clerical help to handle the orders for disconnects and summer reconnects. Although most students were responsible consumers who notified gas, electric, water, and cable companies that they were leaving town, some were leaving behind unpaid bills or uncollected refunds. Kansas Public Service Gas Company had formerly asked Kansas University to find home addresses for delinquent accounts, “but of course, they can’t give out that information anymore,” said W. C. Salome, vice president and general manager, referring to the recent Buckley Amendment which closed student records to the public.