Lawrence Public Library offers access to software training website

The Lawrence Public Library is now offering card holders access to a software training website.

The library’s nearly 110,000 registered borrowers can now use their library card information to log into, said Kathleen Morgan, executive director of the Lawrence Public Library Foundation.

“There’s so much on there,” Morgan said. “Tens of thousands of training videos for any kinds of software to having pointers for management and leadership. They’re all things that can help people in a lot of different ways.”

Access to the site should be particularly beneficial to the small-business community in Lawrence, Morgan said. But the site’s resources should appeal to a wide audience.

“If you want to improve your public speaking skills, you can search for that,” she said. “If you want to learn the ins and outs of Excel, there’s that as well. It’s an amazing broad brush of training opportunities.”

The library was awarded a grant from the Simpson Foundation to pay the $13,000 fee for a year of access to the site, Morgan said. After the first year the library will examine how the program has been used and decide whether it will continue to offer the service.

“That’s the beauty of online systems,” she said. “It’s easy to measure the usage, and if it’s something people love and they use it a lot, then we’ll shake the trees and try to find additional grants to keep funding it.”