25 years ago: Haskell community wants answers about recent deaths

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for March 7, 1990:

Representatives of local law enforcement agencies were expected to attend a Haskell Indian Junior College forum next week about the unsolved deaths of three young Native American men in Lawrence. Haskell’s student senate had unanimously passed a resolution calling for the forum in response to the death of Christopher Bread, whose body had been found the previous week on East 15th Street, about a mile east of the city limits. The forum had been proposed by George Amos, a Haskell student and a member of the senate’s executive board. “Our only purpose is to provide a forum where we can address some issues and concerns,” Amos said. “We deserve some answers. As leaders on this campus, as students and as community members, we need to take action on this.” Bread had been the third Native American to die in Lawrence in the past 18 months. The two others were Cecil Dawes Jr., 21, in October 1989, and John Sandoval, 19, who had disappeared in November 1988 and had been found dead in April 1989.