Deerfield Elementary, West Middle School instructors named Teachers of the Year

Lawrence school district teachers typically spend part of the afternoon on early-release days together for collaboration sessions. But on Wednesday, the faculties at Deerfield Elementary and West Middle School were interrupted by district officials who came to hand out Teachers of the Year honors.

Sara Bonner, a music teacher at Deerfield, and Lucinda Crenshaw, a science teacher at West, were named this year’s elementary and secondary Teachers of the Year, respectively.

Both will be nominated by the district for the statewide Kansas Teacher of the Year award, which is administered by the Kansas Department of Education. Every winner is given opportunities to work with state officials on shaping education policy. Each school district in the state can nominate one elementary and secondary teacher for the honor.

Upon receiving their honors, one of the first sentiments out of Bonner’s and Crenshaw’s mouths was gratitude toward their colleagues.

Sara Bonner, Deerfield Elementary music teacher, was honored as the 2015 Lawrence elementary teacher of the year Wednesday, March, 4, 2015. With Bonner was her family from right, Piper, 7, Perry, 10, and her husband, Wes.

Lucinda Crenshaw, West Middle School science teacher, right, joined by her son Alex, 11, and husband, Wes, was honored with the 2015 Lawrence secondary teacher of the year Wednesday, March, 4, 2015.

“The caliber of my friends make it worth it,” Bonner said as they clapped around her in Deerfield’s library. “I love you.”

Crenshaw said: “I cant think of a better group of people to come to school with every day.”

Both teachers will be awarded a $1,000 prize from Truity Credit Union. Family members were on hand at each school to congratulate the teachers moments after the announcements.

Bonner came to Deerfield and the Lawrence school district in 1991, her second year of teaching. She earned a bachelor’s degree at Bethel College and a master’s at Wichita State. About 500 students receive instruction from her at Deerfield.

“Sara is an amazing music educator,” said Deerfield principal Joni Appleman in a news release. “She is incredibly passionate about instilling in children a love of music.”

Crenshaw, a science educator, is in her 15th year at West Middle School, after spending the previous 11 at Deerfield. She is a former president of the local teachers union, the Lawrence Education Association. She earned a bachelor’s degree at Southwestern College and a master’s at Wichita State.

“Lucinda’s passion for teaching and learning has impacted every aspect of the West Middle School community,” principal Myron Melton said in a statement. “Lucinda’s planning, preparation and attention to detail are impeccable.”