Lawrence barbershop quartet preparing for international competition

For the second time in the three years they’ve been together, members of Lawrence’s BoomTown Quartet are headed off to the Barbershop Harmony Society’s International Competition, quartet bass singer Shaun Whisler said.

Zane Sutton, Caleb Fouse and Aaron Walker perform as the group’s tenor, lead and baritone singers, respectively, Whisler said. Between June 28 and July 5, the group will compete against other barbershop quartets from around the world in Pittsburgh, Pa.

Before the quartet heads off to Pennsylvania, however, it is hosting a send-off show to raise money for the adventure, Whisler said.

At 3 p.m. June 14th BoomTown Quartet will perform at Corpus Christi Catholic Church, 6001 Bob Billings Parkway, Whisler said. The show is free to attend, but donations will be accepted.

“It’s both a chance for us to fine-tune our performance package, but also to raise some funds for the journey,” Whisler said.

In 2013 the BoomTown Quartet competed at the international contest in Toronto, Whisler said.

“Then we were ranked 38th in the world,” he said. “And we had only been together for nine months, so we’re looking forward to improving on that this year.”