Judge orders expungement of dismissed Hashinger Hall rape charges

Douglas County District Judge Kay Huff signed orders Tuesday expunging the dismissed charges of rape off the records of two 21-year-old men accused in September of sexually assaulting two Kansas University students.

The women alleged they were raped between 2 and 5 a.m. on Sept. 28 in KU’s Hashinger residence hall, KU police spokesman Capt. James Anguiano said in October.

Douglas County District Attorney Charles Branson dropped the cases in December after further investigation into the case led his office to find that there was no longer sufficient evidence for the cases to proceed to trial, he said.

Though the cases were dismissed, the original arrests and charges would have appeared on criminal background searches of the two men prior to the expungement. Now that Huff has ordered the expungements, the men will be treated as if the charges were never filed in the first place, according to Kansas statute.