Douglas County public works to begin planning $630,000 bridge replacement

An engineering firm working for Douglas County will begin planning an estimated $630,000 rural bridge replacement project for late 2016 or early 2017.

During their Wednesday meeting, county commissioners gave CFS Engineers, the firm contracted by the county, the nod to begin working. 

The Lawrence-based firm was selected as the county’s consultant after a Nov. 4 commission meeting at which the Department of Public Works was given the green light to begin soliciting bids from area firms. 

CFS Engineers was contracted by the county on an hourly basis, with a total cost not to exceed $40,990, said Chad Voigt, deputy public works director. That cost is included in the total estimated cost for the project and is a part of the county’s capital improvement plan. 

“That estimate includes all of the other costs,” Voigt said. “Like design costs or if we have to widen the right-of-way or move utilities or other things we might run in to.” 

The bridge — one of 151 in the county — is located on East 550 Road, about 15 miles west of Baldwin City. It was originally built in 1935 and repaired in 1972, but now it’s due to be replaced, Voigt said.

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A similar bridge replacement project was completed this October on Route 1055 north of Baldwin City, Voigt said. That project had a considerable impact on local traffic, but the upcoming work is in a much less populated area and should impact traffic much less, he noted. 

Once plans for the project are set, the department will go back in front of the commission to ask for permission to start seeking contractors, Voigt said. 

The department would like to select a contractor by late 2016, Voigt said. If all goes according to plan, the construction could begin sometime in late 2016 or early 2017. 

In other action Wednesday, commissioners:

  • Approved extending a moratorium halting any large-scale wind farm operations in Douglas County for another six months.
  • Heard an update on the county’s progress in receiving certification for a national program measuring sustainability.
  • Approved a request for property tax reimbursement for the Dwayne Peaslee Technical Training Center.
  • Granted a conditional use permit for Public Wholesale Water Supply District No. 25.

Commissioners meet at 4 p.m. each Wednesday at the Douglas County Courthouse, 1100 Massachusetts St. A full agenda can be found online at