100 years ago: Sanitary conditions prevail at National Guard encampment

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for Aug. 19, 1915:

  • “A greater emphasis is being laid upon sanitation in this year’s maneuvers of the Kansas National Guard than in any previous encampment, according to information received in Lawrence yesterday from the camp…. Based on the experience of army officers, General C. I. Martin, in charge of the encampment, has established a system of local and intermediate incineration of garbage and other refuse…. Kitchen refuse and trash are burned in the incinerators, of which each company has one. Stable refuse also is burned. Each company has had its kitchen screened that no flies may touch the food. Officers in charge of the encampment point out that this always is one of the first sanitary requirements of military encampment…. The men in both companies H, of Lawrence, and M, of the University of Kansas, are in good shape, it is said, and the companies are among the best in the encampment. Several Lawrence people will go over to Leavenworth Sunday on the Union Pacific’s special train and will view the big military camp and see the boys in action.”
  • “With the second of the good roads days, numbers of palms that were blistered yesterday, again helped today to improve the roads of the state. In most counties it was said that the fills and grading were finished yesterday, and today the dragging, smoothing and crowning of the roads was to be completed. Final touches to put the roads in the best of condition for the hauling of crops to market and for motoring also were to be made by repairing culverts and bridges and cutting weeds…. In some parts of the state it was found yesterday that the farmers were too busy in the fields to devote much attention to the roads…. ‘I am more than satisfied with the work done yesterday,’ said Governor Capper today. ‘I have no doubt that the road day plan is a big success and should be repeated annually.'”
  • “There will be a meeting of the fair board at the Merchants Association rooms Friday afternoon…. The fair association has decided to offer a purse for an automobile race and have made the conditions of entering the same just like the race horse entries. $100.00 has been set aside for this race and the entries will close September 10. Make your entry with the secretary of the fair as soon as possible, that the management may know that it will fill.”
  • “Because of the threatening weather the Central Protective Association picnic that was to have been held in Grant township yesterday was postponed. Another date will be announced later.”