100 years ago: Women practice archery skills atop Mount Oread

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for April 24, 1915:

  • “It will be a rugged path for the mere man who approaches the University or meets with K. U. women in the future…. Constant practice with Cupid’s bow and arrow are being held daily on the green of Mount Oread. Every morning from ten until twelve the fair co-eds have been practicing archery just north of the Fowler shops, and they have been hitting the bulls-eye with alarming regularity. Dr. Alice Goetz, director of physical training of the women, declares the archery practices are being held by the girls merely to make up gymnasium cuts, but the confirmed women-haters of the University are shuddering at the proficiency with which the girls are learning to handle the bow and arrow, and at the thoughts in case they should be fired upon. With Cupid’s assistance at the help, together with the expertness acquired from the daily archery practices held on Mount Oread, it is feared that there will be no avenue of escape from the range of the venomous darts in case a fusilade is ever fired by the K. U. women upon the heart of some poor struggling bachelor. At any rate, though, the girls are enjoying it, and great interest is being taken in the early practices.”
  • “The annual summer question which confronts the parents, ‘What to do with the boy?’ may be solved by the Boy Scout movement spreading through all the churches of Lawrence and by Secretary Boltz of the Y. M. C. A. and Prof. Walker, Boy Scout Master of Lawrence. At the regular Monday night meeting of the Lawrence scouts held in the different churches of the city two new patrols will be added to the number already organized…. It is the intention of the management of the movement to employ the spare time usually wasted, and the surplus energy of the boys during the coming summer, in the acquiring of useful knowledge, and in well directed and regulated recreation. Wood- and camp-craft, first aid to the injured, and other fascinating as well as instructive features of Boy Scout work will be taught the boys under the leadership of reliable men…. It is anticipated that over two hundred boys will be allied with the scout organization before the end of summer.”
  • “Repairs and re-decoration in the fire department has been completed and the fire department puts on a very clean appearance. All of the woodwork in the inside was repainted a drab color. One of the doors was remodeled and made shorter. The higher doors are not necessary now as the new fire trucks are not built as high as the old horse trucks.”