40 years ago: New city commission reignites discussion on city garage site

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for April 10, 1975:

The newly elected Lawrence City Commission was looking at two possible sites for a city maintenance garage. They were 23rd and Learnard, near the Douglas County Shop, a site which had garnered much attention during the recent election campaign; and 31st and Haskell, which had received very little public attention since it had been dropped from a list of sites being considered in 1974 by the Lawrence-Douglas County Planning Commission. The city was planning to meet with Douglas County Commissioners this week to discuss possible county funding of a joint garage project at 23rd and Learnard. City Commissioner Fred Pence was the only remaining commissioner who still supported a formerly proposed site at Second and Indiana, a location that was now considered dead by new commissioners Marnie Argersinger, Donald Binns, and Carl Mibeck.