100 years ago: April showers finally arrive

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for April 8, 1915:

  • “Although the clouds have hung low in the sky for several days it was only this morning that the first April shower greeted the people. Showers have been predicted by the weather man for several days but none have been in evidence. The rain started at about 7 o’clock this morning and continued for about an hour and a half falling gently all of the time. There was not a large volume of water fell but enough to wet the grain that has been sown and to give the grass which has been growing so rapidly the last few days a better chance to grow. The farmers are pleased with the present chances for pasture. If the warm weather continues for a few days the pastures will be ready for the horses and cattle and a large amount of feed will no longer be necessary.”
  • “Tomorrow is ‘Uncle Jimmy’ day on the hill, in honor of James Woods Green, dean and founder of the University School of Law and probably better known over the state than any other member of the University faculty. Dean Green celebrated his seventy-third birthday Sunday, and as has been the custom for the last ten years, ‘his boys,’ as he always characteristically refers to the students of the law school, have planned and arranged an annual banquet in honor of the day. About one hundred are expected at the tenth annual banquet which will be held at the Eldridge House tonight, and a special holiday has been granted the law school tomorrow in honor of ‘Uncle Jimmy’ day…. In point of service, Dean Green is the oldest man on the K. U. faculty, he having founded the law school in November, 1878. The first class was composed of eight students…. It was not until 1903 that $65,000 was appropriated by the legislature for the present home of the law school, which building was dedicated and named to the honor of Dean Green. Probably, there is no man on the University faculty who is better loved and more respected by all of the twenty-five hundred students and thousands of alumni…. He has always been regarded as the friend of the students and as the Dean himself explained his motto is ‘a square deal for the students.'”
  • “There will be a called meeting of the automobile club of Lawrence at the Perkins building on Monday night, April 12. The meeting is for the purpose of electing officers and promoting the good roads movement. Every man in Lawrence whether he is an owner of an automobile or not is invited to attend this meeting and get the enthusiasm going for bettering the roads of Douglas County…. In the coming summer months a large number of people will drive through the Middle West on their way to the Panama-Pacific Exposition, and as three of the transcontinental roads go through Lawrence a large part of the traffic will come through here. It is the plan of the members of the Automobile Club to keep the roads in the very best possible condition and make Lawrence and Douglas county stand out as a little above the others so the tourists will remember that they came through Lawrence, Kansas, and will have pleasant memories of the roads and the reception they were given while here.”
  • “Stewart Lockwood, assistant scout master of the Baldwin Boy Scouts, was in Lawrence today talking over Boy Scout work with Secretary Boltz of the Y. M. C. A., who is planning to stage a gigantic hike on Saturday. Mr. Lockwood states that the interest in scout work in Baldwin is growing rapidly and the boys have a four-room club house fitted as a gymnasium where meetings are held weekly.”