Lawrence library reveals new batch of banned books trading cards

Banned book: Harriet the Spy

Banned book: Little Red Riding Hood

Banned book: Lord of the Flies

Banned book: Maus

Banned book: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Banned book: The Old Man and the Sea

Banned book: To Kill a Mockingbird
Some people ban books. Others read them anyway — and rave about it.
The Lawrence Public Library on Thursday unveiled its third edition of banned books trading cards, the project that asks residents to submit artwork inspired by censured books for the chance to have it converted into a collector’s item.
After announcing the seven winners — all first-timers — in the library’s auditorium Thursday, the host of the show, Kansas University theater professor John Staniunas, posing as Edgar Allan Poe, led a brief glow stick-loaded rave — or “raven” — to celebrate the winners.
“There are so many great cards,” said library director Brad Allen, who was seen taking part in the rave. “It is so hard to pick seven. It’s a delight to see all the artists doing this.”
The winning artists, the books they depicted and the day their card will be released to the public are:
• Sunday: Lana Grove, “Little Red Riding Hood,” by Charles Perrault
• Monday: Clayton Rohlman, “The Old Man and the Sea,” by Ernest Hemingway.
• Tuesday: Eleanor Matheis, “The Lord of the Flies,” by William Golding
• Wednesday: Scott Burr, “Maus,” by Art Spiegelman
• Thursday: Gwen Kerth, “To Kill a Mockingbird,” by Harper Lee
• Friday: Lora Jost, “Harriet the Spy,” by Louise Fitzhugh
• Saturday: Katie Whiteman, “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” by Ken Kesey
Forty-seven artists submitted works, which were chosen by a panel of judges. All submissions will be available in the library during national Banned Books Week, Sept. 21 through 27. During those days, the library will release one trading card a day to the public for free.
Kerth said she chose “To Kill a Mockingbird” because it’s one of her favorite books for its exploration of innocence.
“I think it’s something in our society these days that we don’t treasure that enough,” Kerth said. On being selected as a winner, she called it a “real honor.”
Following Banned Books Week, the library will have the 2014 deck available for purchase online at The 2013 deck also remains available for purchase online.