City says odd tweets were the result of Twitter account being hacked

Lawrence City Hall officials said the city’s official Twitter account apparently was hacked on Saturday evening, resulting in several messages related to the safety of women, drinking and other topics.

One tweet used the hashtag KU_Football and urged women to “trust your instincts and avoid being a victim.” Another used the same hashtag and urged people “if you drink, make sure it is at Your pace.”

Megan Gilliland, the city’s communications manager, said the city removed the tweets and has sent out tweets and direct messages notifying people that the tweets were not something that city officials sent.

Gilliland said she has not determined where the tweets originated, but has confirmed that no one with access to the city’s Twitter account sent the messages. She said she’s asked Twitter to provide assistance on where the messages were sent from. She said the city’s passwords and other security measures for the Twitter account have been changed.

The city’s Twitter account has about 7,600 followers.