Saturday Column: U.S. can’t ignore threat posed by illegal immigration

It’s ironic that, at a time when this country’s senior military leaders talk about the growing and imminent danger of terrorists, when ISIS forces boast about flying their flags in Washington, when European leaders make it clear they are alarmed about the spread of terrorism and the advances made by ISIS, when al-Qaida leaders boast of new units in India, and when there is growing concern about American ISIS fighters returning to the U.S., our borders with Mexico in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California remain an open sieve with thousands of undocumented workers and “children” moving into our country every day.

Not only are they coming into our country by the tens of thousands, recent news reports note that, in many cases, there is little information about where these illegals are settling in the U.S.

The major focus of concern about illegals entering the U.S. is the America-Mexico border, but there should be equal attention to the ease of illegals entering the U.S. from Canada.

Why isn’t there more concern about what is happening along our borders and the terrible and deadly consequences that could erupt at any time due to ISIS, al-Qaida or other forces committed to the destruction of the U.S. slipping agents into this country disguised as “children” and “parents” fleeing harsh conditions at home?

There is no way, with current conditions and the thousands of illegals, to make meaningful checks on the backgrounds of those flooding into southwestern states or adequately monitor whether they are completing required registrations about where they are living.

Apparently a large percentage of Americans believe the United States is invincible and that, although threats may exist, there really isn’t any reason to be overly concerned. Our safety and freedoms are guaranteed. There may be “bad guys” out there, but they are not strong enough or smart enough to cause any truly serious troubles.

Is this a matter of arrogance, a belief that Uncle Sam has batted down challenges in the past from much larger and more dangerous forces than ISIS or al-Qaida and that there is no need to get too excited about our country’s continued good fortune?

Or is it evidence of a change in the thinking of greater numbers of Americans and the nation’s leaders, a belief that the U.S. needs to change its vision relative to world affairs and the role and muscle of Uncle Sam.

Demanding photo identification is looked upon as the action of a “police state.” Illegal immigrants should be given temporary or even permanent resident status rather than be turned back at the border. We must become more compassionate and understanding and apologize for what some consider wrongful actions by this country in the past, and those who question or criticize Washington actions are dangerous to the country.

President Obama was elected on his pledge to bring about “fundamental changes” in this country, but how many Americans realized the depth of Obama’s changes — changes in domestic affairs and changes in our foreign policies?

Now, six years later, most objective observers do not hide their growing concern about both domestic and international situations, saying there are more dangerous conditions abroad than at any other recent period. Many of Obama’s domestic-related changes have failed to bring about the anticipated improvements, and government is playing a greater role in the lives of all Americans.

Partisan politics play a powerful role in Washington, and the current illegal and undocumented immigration situation offers a perfect example.

Obama has made it clear he does not intend to take action on the border crossing matter until after the November elections. He does not want to propose any legislation or take “executive actions” to bring about significant change in how the illegal border crossings are handled because such actions could have a negative impact on Democratic Senate candidates.

Unfortunately, politics and political correctness are defining or changing more and more of the traditional actions and values that helped build and strengthen this country.

The flood of illegal immigrants and our nation’s response and possible consequences offer a good example.