Bomb squad determines downtown suspicious package ‘benign’

A bomb squad robot examines a suspicious package found on 11th Street near the Watkins museum, Tuesday, Sept. 2, 2014.

A bomb squad member, right, holds a suspicious package that shut down 11th Street from Vermont to Massachusetts streets on Tuesday afternoon. Officers investigated with the help of a robot, left, and determined the object was benign.

Police blocked off 11th Street, from Massachusetts to Vermont streets, Tuesday afternoon after a suspicious package was reported near the Watkins Museum of History. After an hour-long investigation, authorities determined the object was “benign.”

The package, which was found on a power box on the north side of 11th, was a black, duct-taped object with a bottle wrapped up inside, according to Trent McKinley, a Lawrence Police Department spokesperson.

Bomb squad members investigated with the help of a robot before approaching on foot. McKinley said police are unsure about the intention behind the package, calling its placement “strange.” He said police will investigate further.