Cooler weather delaying Tonganoxie sunflower field blooms

? A popular photo backdrop soon will be in full bloom, but cooler weather is causing a slight delay.

Ted and Kris Grinter’s sunflowers should be better suited for pictures starting about Wednesday, Ted Grinter said Friday.

He originally thought the fields would be full of blooms this weekend, but the cooler weather has slowed the process. He said he is liking the lower temperatures and the rain, but the sunflowers right now prefer the hotter weather.

Though some sunflowers have opened up, he said the fields should be in more full bloom in a few days.

The field can be seen from U.S. Highway 24-40, but to take photos near the fields and with a barn backdrop, visitors from Lawrence should turn left at 243rd Street from U.S. 24-40. It eventually will connect with Stillwell Road.

People coming from Tonganoxie can turn right onto Stillwell Road from U.S. 24-40.

The turn onto 243rd Street is about 7 miles northeast of Lawrence from U.S. 24-40. The turn onto Stillwell Road from U.S. 24-40 is about 5 miles southwest of Tonganoxie.

For updates on the sunflowers’ progress, people can visit Kris’ blog, which is at

For more about the sunflowers, including reminders when visiting the field, check out the Grinter Farms Facebook page at