100 years ago: Remains of historic Lawrence fort to be preserved

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for March 24, 1914:

  • “The site of old Fort Thatcher, the most historic spot in Lawrence, and as much of the fort as yet remains will be preserved. That is if the present plans are carried out. The plan originated in the minds and purses of the members of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity, the present owners of this historic property. The fraternity has plans for preserving the old fort and hopes to put them into operation soon. The first step was taken last night when an ordinance intended as an aid in this cause appeared in the meeting of the city council. It is an ordinance to vacate a portion of an alley which invades the old fort site. The council is asked to cut off 35 feet of the end of this alley. It is said that it leads no where and the reducing of the length a matter of 35 feet or more will be of no consequence. Owing to a step-off at the present end of the alley it seems that the south end of the alley will never be opened…. The Alpha Taus have plans of some day erecting a new home on this property but not at the expense of the old fort. The building is to be to the south of the parapet. Thus the fort will be preserved and with a few repairs will add greatly to the attractiveness of the property and add a touch of historic interest to the fraternity home such as no other frat claims today.”
  • “The councilmen last night, sitting in a special session, passed up the mausoleum ordinance to the next meeting of the council. This action was deemed necessary owing to the absence of City Engineer E. H. Dunmire who is ill. The council wished to hear the engineer’s opinion on the ordinance before taking any further action.”
  • “The city fathers last night passed an ordinance providing for the paving of Sixth street from Indiana to Maine. This terminates a long fight that has been made on this piece of paving. When the paving was first suggested a remonstrance appeared. This was referred to the committee on streets and this committee last night reported that it had found that the remonstrance was not signed by a majority of the resident property owners. Following this report the ordinance was introduced and passed…. Protests were received last night against the paving of the alley west of Rhode Island street between Ninth and Eleventh streets.”
  • “The Senate committee on Indian affairs in Washington, D.C., yesterday accepted and incorporated in the Indian appropriation bill Senator Thompson’s amendment appropriating $30,000 for the construction of a gymnasium at Haskell Institute…. The progress of this appropriation will be closely watched by Haskell people and the friends of the school. A gymnasium has long been needed at the Institute and the prospects of at last securing such a building bring much happiness to those interested in Haskell…. A new gym would be a great asset to the school and it is hoped here that the bill will pass congress and the needed money be appropriated.”
  • “Evidently Kansas University girls don’t care for more than three ‘dates’ a week. In chapel this morning only two girls raised their voices in protest against the ruling now in force at the University. The chapel time this morning was turned over to the girls for the purpose of discussion of this problem. There were close to three hundred of them there and a number expressed their opinions. Only two asked for a change.”