Eudora announces new city manager

The city of Eudora has tapped the assistant county administrator for Wyandotte County and Kansas City, Kan., as its new city manager, the Eudora City Commission announced Friday.

Gary Ortiz, who also served as the city manager of Leavenworth from 1998 to 2007, will begin Monday as Eudora’s city manager.

Ortiz said in a statement that a new transportation hub near Gardner and Edgerton would spur development along the K-10 corridor, including in Eudora.

“I believe the city of Eudora is well positioned to be a leader in this emerging metropolitan growth corridor with its outstanding school district, high quality of life, relative low cost of living, proximity to abundant higher educational and cultural amenities, and small town community appeal,” Ortiz said.

“I look forward to working collaboratively with the City Commission and all the groups and individuals who are interested in making Eudora’s future brighter through high quality and planned development,” he said.