Letter: Financial planning

To the editor:

The Lawrence Journal-World article of July 6, asking how the police department project ended up being third in line behind the library and the recreation center is the same question asked when the recreation center was proposed. As a participant in a 6News Town Topic segment, regarding the recreation center, I asked a simple question: “Was the recreation center the highest and best use of taxpayer funds?” This was especially true given the priority list included a new police headquarters.

During subsequent City Commission meetings, when the same question was asked along with seeking consolidated financial statements justifying this recreation center, no responses were ever received. A year ago, they voted the recreation center more important than the police headquarters and now are feigning concern? They should be embarrassed and apologize to us all.

Over the years I have written letters to various commissions and city hall and letters to the editor requesting city hall put together a long-range financial plan for the city and that the plan include future forecasts of costs for city operations, capitol improvements, infrastructure maintenance, etc., including how those costs would be financed — new industry, business recruitment, etc. versus just increased household taxes. Never have I received a response. Yet here we are with no plan and another request to raise taxes.

“Changing captains” is not a viable excuse for today’s chaotic management of capital improvements. The city uses Horizon 2020 for development management; why not use a long-range plan for financial management?