Style Scout: Tyler and Janelle Barta

Clothing details: Tyler: Sneakers, 0, Walmart; pants, 0, Urban Outfitters; hoodie, shirt and tie, gift from wife. Janelle: Shoes, 0, Maurice’s; dress, 5, Ross.

Ages: Tyler: 21; Janelle: 22

Relationship status: Married

Hometowns: Tyler: Eudora; Janelle: Ottawa

Occupations: Tyler: Right now, I’m doing detail work at The Selection; Janelle: I work at Sonic.

Dream jobs: Tyler: I hope to become a body shop painter; Janelle: We’d like to own our own business together.

What were you doing when scouted? Heading to Urban Outfitters.

Describe your styles: 

Tyler: I like to dress up with a suit and tie. Most of the time, I skate.

Janelle: He’s a skateboarder! He’s not quite as fancy all the time! My style is comfortable and whatever I like. I’m also inspired by ’50s and ’20s era (fashion styles).

Fashion trends you love: 

Janelle: Tyler likes bright colors and colorful things. I tend to like laid-back country or lacey, flowy stuff. Although I like the ’20s and ’50s era, I’m also a country girl: I like my boots, my overalls and stuff!

Fashion trends you hate:

Janelle: Provocative stuff and stuff that’s not necessary. But even if it’s kind of crazy and unique, I think it’s cool as long as it’s modest.

Tyler: I’m definitely sick of seeing those Adidas running shorts that a lot of girls wear.

Fashion influences: 

Janelle: We shop around at different stores and piece together certain outfits. It doesn’t have to be a specific brand.

Tyler: I see some of it on TV. Like Janelle said, I’m a skateboarder so I see certain styles that I’m attracted to. I love skate shoes and I have a lot of them.

What would you like to see more or less of in Lawrence?

Janelle: I would like to see women dress up more and take care of themselves. You see way too many people with this sloppy, thrown-together pajama pants look. Not that it matters, but I think it is important women and men to dress up at least every once in awhile.

Tyler: Brand new roads would be awesome! I drive a low-rider so it gets rough around town sometimes.

Janelle: Yeah, we hit a leaf and the car skids.

Whom do people say you look like? 

Janelle: My mom constantly calls me Lucy from “I Love Lucy”

Tyler: I’m not sure. Who do I look like?

Janelle: I always call him my Paul Walker cause he likes to drive endlessly.

What types of music do you both like? 

Janelle: We pretty much like anything!

Tyler: Yes. I personally like screamo and lots of dubstep.

Tell us a secret: 

Tyler: I’ve never been on a plane.

Janelle: I’m an open book. I don’t have secrets!