Letter: Bad idea

To the editor:

We note with much dismay the report that developers of the proposed luxury apartment and retail complex near 11th and Mississippi are again requesting reduction of parking by 100 cars from the current city requirements. Even more, we are dismayed by the report that this variance was approved by the city planning department.

The argument put forth by the developers that many prospective tenants would not have cars is not viable. It is not rare for people with enough money to live in such a complex to have more than one car, and many would have a live-in partner also with a car. 

The proposed “deal” with KU to make available parking in some KU lots is no solution. Parking permits give permission to SEARCH for a space, not a guarantee of finding one. Anyone with a current permit can attest to this problem. In addition, lots near the stadium are restricted on days of KU home football games and some other events. All of this wouldn’t affect parking in already overcrowded Oread neighborhood?  Dream on.

The bottom line is that how much money the developers can squeeze out of this project should be of no concern to the local residents or to the city.  One can be certain that the developers knew long ago of the parking requirements and should recognize that expense as part of the deal the same as local developers have done.

City commissioners, we implore you to say “No” to this truly bad idea.  The citizens of Lawrence will thank you for your courage.