Letter: Positive outlook

To the editor:

Thank you, Lawrence Journal-World. You came through for us with those inspiring KU Today articles in Sunday’s paper. After the “glass-half empty” pronouncements in Simons’ Saturday Column and chamber of commerce assessments of Lawrence’s economy, it is assuring to have someone give positive feedback on the future of this great community.

Many of us wouldn’t be residents of Kansas if there was no Lawrence. This quirky college town is quite remarkable. I am amazed at the compassion and kindness its residents exhibit. Whether it’s someone holding the door open for an elderly or disabled person or the patience exhibited by drivers as we navigate traffic glitches, we have much to be proud of. In addition, this city provides a social network that is nurturing, young people are given numerous opportunities to develop their interests, and how can we not boast about our wonderful new public library!

Those that see only dollar signs when they measure the worth of a community, fail to appreciate its true treasure: its people. Using that measure to register this community’s well-being, Lawrence is rich indeed.

The attitude of conservative politicians toward Lawrence is unfortunate. Whether it’s Gov. Brownback referring to his opponent as “that liberal from Lawrence” or Rep. Lynn Jenkins comments about her opponent as “that divorce lawyer from Lawrence,” such remarks show a disdain for this community and its residents. As a Lawrence resident, don’t you agree that we deserve better? Please vote in November.