Letter: Relationship repair

To the editor:

Reading about the situation in Ferguson, Mo., and the other “relationship” issues in our nation is not very encouraging for those who want to see healing take place in our families, communities, cities, states and nation. We all know that this is just another episode in the life of a nation where the various units are polarized and there doesn’t seem to be any hope for healing. Instead, we just accept it as the “way it is” and hope that it will go away or that it won’t affect us. It will not go away and it does affect us. It will continue to fester until something gives, which usually results in something bad. 

I saw the other day a sign in a store downtown which offered a solution to someone who has car or home problems. It said, “I can fix that.” It reminded me of Jesus, because he is the only one who can fix all of the relationship problems we face, individually and collectively. 

It’s really easy to blow off this truth but if we get desperate enough and seek his help, he will fix the problem. Psalm 50:15 says it clearly: “Call upon me in the day of trouble and I will deliver you, and you will glorify me.” Try this fix and you will never regret your decision.  No problem is too big for Jesus.