Style Scout: Trevor Langer

Clothing details: Flip-flops, 0, University Bookstore; shorts, don’t remember; T-shirt, free from a camp; sunglasses, gift.

Name: Trevor Langer

Age: 17

Hometown: Topeka

Time in Lawrence: Just visiting

Relationship status: Single

What were you doing when scouted? Looking for a gluten-free fried chicken spot

Occupation: I’m a student and an event manager.

Dream job: Maybe the attorney general of the United States.

Describe your style: Normally, I’m pretty laid back but I still try to keep it clean and nice. I just do what I do to relax but at the same time I want to remain attractive.

Fashion trends you love: I like when people dress up for no reason like wearing suits. I like it when people are looking their best.

Fashion trends you hate: I don’t like when people wear sweatpants or pajamas out in public. That bothers me. I can’t do that.

Fashion influences: I hang out with a lot of “debate kids” and I also play Quidditch. It comes down to the people I hang around with.

What would you like to see more or less of in Lawrence? More good drivers. Less homeless people everywhere, not just Lawrence.

Whom do people say you look like? When I wear my glasses, people say I look like Clark Kent or Superman.

What type of music do you like? I mix it up; sometimes it will be hip-hop to bluegrass.

Tell us a secret: I hate the way my chin looks. I think it’s ugly. That’s why I used to have facial hair on my chin for a really long time!