100 years ago: City police dump stockpile of alcoholic evidence

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for April 28, 1914:

  • “Approximately forty gallons of booze were dumped into the sewer last night when Chief Meyers of the police department made a disposal of his brewery that has been in the process of collection for the past year. Mr. Meyers said that one man was busy until half past ten last night emptying bottles that had come into the hands of the police during the last year. The bottles were emptied into a large tub and the tub was emptied into the sewer four times. The bottles will be hauled to the city dump in a few days so that those who wish may view the remains…. In this collection there was almost every kind of liquor ever distilled. There was whiskey of all brands, brandy, wine, gin and beer…. On several different occasions there have been suitcases of liquor brought here and taken by the police before they could be disposed of. Other consignments were taken on raids and off of the person of men brought to the police station.”
  • “Theodore Agle who was arrested yesterday for stealing $50 from Lester Seacord of the Arlington Hotel was released last night. Agle was arrested in Omaha some time ago and brought back here on the charge of deserting his wife and three children. He was found guilty, but was paroled on condition that he support his family. Agle owes several debts around Lawrence. On condition that he pay these and refrain from the use of liquor, and support his family, he will be allowed his freedom.”
  • “The debating championship of the 550 Kansas High Schools will be decided at Fraser Hall, University of Kansas, on the evening of May 1, when the debating teams from the high schools of Burlington and El Dorado will discuss the question of minimum wage legislation…. The subject involved is one of great public interest in Kansas. A minimum wage bill was passed by the house in the state legislature last year, and is almost certain to be discussed at the coming session.”
  • “J. Q. Parker was arrested this morning on the charge of passing bogus checks. He denied the charge but as the evidence seemed to point to him he was locked up.”
  • “Otto A. Fischer has opened a shoe store in the building formerly occupied by Faxon-Newman and the K. C. Sales company. The store will be open for business at once and will be an attractive place.”
  • “The spring wagon belonging to Mark Randolph which was thought to have been stolen yesterday morning, has been found. The buggy was taken by Mr. Randolph’s brother-in-law who came in early and wanted a wagon to haul some lumber to his place in the country.”