100 years ago: KU, MU to face off in annual debate contest

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for April 25, 1914:

  • “Kansas will meet her old rival — Missouri — next Tuesday night in the annual debate. Missouri has generally had a shade the better of the Jayhawker talkers but this year the team feels confident of carrying off a victory over the Tigers. Harry M. Smitha nd J. Christy Wilson will argue the negative side of the following question: ‘Resolved, That immigration into the United States should be further restricted by applying to all immigrants a literacy test requiring the ability to read ordinary prose in at least one language or dialect.’ The debate will be held in Fraser hall at 8 o’clock.”
  • “The report is out today that chinch bugs are flying. It is not these bugs that do the damage but the next generation. Farmers have been felicitating themselves that the bugs were not appearing this year but they are certainly flying today.”
  • “The weather has been warm today, uncomfortably so. The people on the street shed their coats for the first time and boys appeared barefooted the first of the season. Things are growing very fast. The ground is quite dry and rain is needed.”
  • “Professor D. C. Rogers is the second professor to announce his resignation from the University faculty. A few days ago Professor Duvall announced his resignation. Professor Rogers will go to Smith College, for girls, and will have the chair of psychology. At the last meeting of the Board of Administration the members made an effort to hold Professor Rogers here by offering him an advance of salary and the rank of associate professorship but the Smith offer looked too attractive to Mr. Rogers.”
  • “The entomology class of the University is in Vinland today on their annual pilgrimage. The class went down on the morning train, taking their lunch, and will return this evening. This is an annual affair and is looked forward to with much interest by the students.”
  • “HELP WANTED. A woman for general housework, to do cooking, washing and ironing. Stay home nights. Mrs. Hamilton Stone, 1620 Tennessee St…. MULES FOR SALE — Have a load of good young mules for sale or will exchange them for older mules. R. S. Robertson, 621 Mass St…. For Sale, good used plows, $2 to $6, you had better see them. Also Buggies and Spring wagons. Green, Glathart Bldg…. For Sale, a nearly new 5 passenger auto, cheap if taken at once. Bell 2457…. For Sale, 7 room modern house worth $2800 at 1315 Conn. St. Can be bought for $2000; $200 down, balance on time. Call up Frank Endacott…. Hardy plants for sale — Lilies of the valley, sweet violets, columbine, lilies, iris, hardy ferns and other plants; Mrs. Hiff, 914 La.”