Letter: Band tradition

To the editor:

What a shame. No Band Day Parade this year due to TV and a football game.

The shame is that not everyone enjoys football games or can afford the price of tickets. There probably isn’t anyone in Lawrence that doesn’t enjoy our varied and wonderful parades down Massachusetts Street.

Band Day has always been special with kids from around the area marching and performing — big schools and little schools, twirlers and flag routines — and watching the faces of the kids and people in the crowds. How well we remember marching in the Lawrence High Lions band during the ’50s, and then watching our kids march in the same band in the ’80s. As a kid it was fascinating to see the Haskell band come down the street, led by a guy in a huge purple and white headdress. Wonder what happened to that band??

Let’s not let the Band Day tradition go by the wayside.