100 years ago: Postal machine, first tested in Lawrence, getting attention in nation’s capital

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for Oct. 26, 1913:

  • “The marvelous growth of the parcel post under the stimulus of prompt service and low prices, has served to accentuate the inadequate facilities of the railway mail service for handling the same. Attention has been called particularly to the fact that the full benefit of the fast mail service is denied to the parcel post by reason of the antiquated facilities now in use for transferring mail to fast trains at stations where the trains do not stop. As is well known, even in the matter of first-class letter mail, the facilities for an exchange between a train and a station are very much out of date, the system now in use having been introduced as far back as 1869, almost half a century ago. However, though inadequate, it at least affords some method of putting mail aboard fast trains, while, of course, the mail sacks can be thrown out of the car to be ground up under the wheels or alight in safety as the case may be. But when it comes to parcel post, this system is entirely out of it, for not only does the letter mail take up all the space in the mail pouches as far as can be handled under the present system, but the parcel post would not stand the jar of being caught under the present catcher system nor could it be heaved out of the car door as the letter mail now is. Consequently at stations where mail trains do not stop it is now out of the question to either put parcel post aboard the train while in motion or to deliver it there…. Everyone realized that in the face of American inventive genius such a condition of affairs can not be permitted to last. Nor is it, for the remarkable invention of Albert Hupp, now of Washington, D.C., was presented to the officials and public generally in Washington almost simultaneously with the introduction of the parcel post. By means of this wonderful system all kinds of mail, letters and parcels, can be taken aboard an express train while in motion and in unlimited quantities while a corresponding amount of mail is delivered at the station, all this with absolute safety to the letters and parcels…. Skepticism has given way to enthusiasm, and unbelief to hearty endorsement, as the result of the demonstrations which Mr. Hupp has been giving in Washington for some months. Seeing is believing, and the senators and representatives, postal officials, railroad men and others who have visited the demonstrations of the Hupp Automatic Mail Exchange System by the hundreds have been thoroughly convinced that the inventor has not only produced a perfect system, but has succeeded far beyond even the claims which he originally advanced.”
  • “The Hupp automatic mail exchange which is noticed in the dispatches today is the great work of a great man. Albert Hupp has worked for years on this invention and has brought it to a state of perfection…. Lawrence has a personal interest in this because the first demonstration was given here. It is a far cry from the first crude mechanism tried out here and the perfected piece of machinery now ready to go into the service…. Albert Hupp will rank among the great inventors because he has revolutionized something. Several Lawrence men are so fortunate as to be associated with Mr. Hupp in his enterprise and they are all mighty glad to be in it. Mr. Hupp is a man of warm impulses and he feels quite as well over what he has contributed to the welfare of the world as he does over the money he is making out of it…. The mechanism is the work of a master mind and Mr. Hupp has made a large contribution to the world’s good fruits.”