Letter: Well-qualified

To the editor:

I was somewhat puzzled to read in the Tuesday Journal-World that the health care navigator, Rosilyn Wells was being criticized for not having adequate credentials for holding her position at Heartland Community Health Center. She assists clients to access insurance through the Affordable Health Care Act.

I am not familiar with the either the Daily Caller or the Drudge Report. Perhaps Drudge is a good name for the website. This source was concerned because of Ms. Wells’ financial background that includes a history of outstanding medical bills. Quite to the contrary, I say that Ms. Wells is exceptionally qualified to offer leadership in helping uninsured citizens access insurance through the Affordable Care Act.

Instead of being a victim of our economic inequality, Ms. Well has turned her life into one of advocacy to insure that others won’t have to endure financial hardship due to inadequate health care access. Kudos to Ms. Wells for using her story to help others!