40 years ago: K-Stater leads KU fan into embarrassing situation

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for Oct. 15, 1973:

Over 52,000 fans had packed Memorial Stadium for the Kansas University’s homecoming game — a crowd that officials were calling the best-attended sports event in Kansas history. In spite of the heated rivalry between this week’s competing schools, only one unfortunate incident was reported in the wake of the game: “One Lawrence insurance man had a quick change from deep resentment to a feeling of embarrassment shortly after the end of the KU-K-State football game Saturday afternoon. Strolling out from underneath the stadium after the KU victory, and with his arms loaded with extra garments and two folding seats, a purple-clad individual rushed up, grabbed off the insurance man’s crimson and blue cap and took off at a run. The local man didn’t hesitate and followed in fast pursuit. He saw the purplish culprit dash in behind a door and he followed at top speed. It was somewhat embarrassing to find himself inside the women’s rest room and with the thief nowhere in sight. The apology was sincere but perhaps somewhat skeptically received by the startled women-folk who were nervously standing in line.”