Style Scout: Anne Mendelsohn

Clothing Details: Boots, 00, Australia; Gorman pants, shirt and cardigan, free; Zimmerman jacket, 00.

Name: Anne Mendelsohn

Age: 23

Relationship status: Yes, with Cole

Hometown: Sydney, Australia

Time in Lawrence: 2½ months

Occupation: Administrative assistant

Dream job: Re-write society

What were you doing when scouted? Just left the barbershop.

Describe your style: A little bit off-center: a bit modern and bohemian.

Fashion trends you love: Animal prints, leather, black and white, minimalism and girls that dress like boys.

Fashion trends you hate: Jeggings, Uggs and ill-fitting clothing. I think that’s enough.

Fashion influences: I like the Sartorialist and a lot of Aussie bloggers. I also used to work in a fashion store, so most of my clothes are inspired by them in Australia.

What would you like to see more of in Lawrence? More well-dressed people: like a little bit more than formal. More hats!

Less of? Sweat pants

Tattoos or piercings: Just my ears.

Whom do people say you look like? I don’t know.

What type of music do you unwind to: Christmas music? Ha! A little bit of jazz.

Tell us a secret: Nothing comes to mind.