100 years ago: Civil War veterans to make annual visit to Lawrence schools
From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for May 13, 1913:
- “Next Friday is ‘Old Soldiers Day’ in the city schools. On that day veterans of the Civil War will visit all of the school buildings in the city and make addresses to the school children. Each year, in May and just before Memorial Day these veterans visit the schools of the city and make patriotic addresses to the boys and girls. Some of them tell stories of army life which are very amusing and the coming of the soldiers to the school is always one of the big events of the school year…. ‘Issued by Post Commander Irwin: Comrades and Sisters: Allow me in all sincerity to call your attention to the importance of fulfilling the above detail by presenting yourselves at the respective schools assigned. In so doing, marvelous results, and stronger influences may arise in the future that will benefit mankind in general, depending largely on the instruction we give to the rising generation, regarding patriotism, loyalty and devotion to their “Country’s Flag, Old Glory,” the pride of the boys in blue, saved and protected, by us, living veterans and the heroic dead of the civil war. W. H. IRWIN, Commander.'”
- “The canning season at the Lawrence Canning Factory has opened. The spinach crop is now being gathered and the work at the canning factory is limited to the handling of this crop. Other vegetables will be ready soon and the work will begin in earnest then.”
- “The K.U. Mandolin Club returned yesterday from its trip over the state. The Club played at several places and scored a big hit at each one and received invitations to return next year. The boys say that they had a splendid time, that they came out well financially and that they want to make another trip to these same places. They visited the following towns: Kingman, Great Bend, St. John and Kinsley.”
- “Burt E. Brown of Lawrence, an original Kansas Wilson Democrat, has been elected editor of the Hutchinson, Kansas, Daily Gazette and will take charge of the paper next Monday morning. Lawrence people did not know that Mr. Brown was contemplating entrance into the newspaper field and the announcement of his election to the editorship of this paper comes as very much of a surprise. Mr. Brown has lived in Lawrence for a number of years and has made many friends here who will wish him success as an editor. The Hutchinson Gazette is a Democratic morning daily, the largest Democratic paper in the state. With Burt Brown in the editorial chair the Gazette will be Wilson-Bryan-Democratic in its politics, according to Mr. Brown.”
- “OH YOU TECHNICALITIES — Jerry Simmons and his attorney, R. E. Melvin, sought to convince Judge Benson of the police court this morning that a ‘cut-out’ and a ‘muffler’ have no connection and that it is not a violation of the ordinances of the city to use the ‘cut-out’ and thus render the muffler useless. The muffler was still closed, the defense argued, even though it was not performing its function, which is to deaden the sound from the exhaust, because of the fact that the ‘cut-out’ was open. But the judge wouldn’t be persuaded by such arguing and finding Jerry guilty assessed a fine of $10 and costs.”