100 years ago: Bowersock Mills ‘pays the penalty’ of growth with new grain elevators

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for March 30, 1913:

“When a business grows the owners must pay the penalty. With the Bowersock Mills & Power Company the great expansion of their business has compelled them to build new elevators with a capacity for a quarter of a million bushels of wheat. The new elevators which will be of the modern tubular variety are to be made entirely of concrete and will stand along the tracks directly east of the present elevator. The excavation which has just been completed from one of the largest holes every seen in Lawrence. It is twenty-five feet deep, one hundred and five feet long and fifty feet wide, with another excavation eight feet wide and five or six feet deep running both ways through the center forming a cross. The bottom of the excavation is level with the Santa Fe tracks and the sides running into the bluff are protected by a concrete wall which will prevent the earth from washing or caving. Rising from the track level to a height of 110 feet will be ten immense cement tubes, each with a capacity for holding 25,000 bushels of wheat…. The present Bowersock elevator has a capacity of 85,000 bushels and is much too small to guard against bad weather, blockades and various hindrances which often come to interfere with securing enough wheat to keep the mills busy. The way the mills have been running for some time the old elevator does not contain more than a two weeks’ supply of grain which is much too small to be dependable.”

“Lawrence will hold its Municipal election on next Tuesday for the purpose of electing a mayor, one councilman from each ward, a police judge, a city treasurer, two justices of the peace, three members of the school board and two constables…. The Republicans have not named a complete ticket, being without a mayor, two members of the board of education and a councilman in the first ward. The Socialists have entered an almost complete ticket. The third ticket is the Independent and many of the candidates have entered under this head.”