100 years ago: Lawrence experiences edge of ‘Easter Tornado’ system

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for March 24, 1913:

  • “TORNADO SWEEPS OMAHA. Iowa and Indiana Also In Tornado’s Path. — One hundred is a conservative estimate of the dead as a result according to the best reports available…. The message placed the dead at 100 and the injured at 300…. Fifty are reported killed in Indiana…. WIND, RAIN AND DUST STORM IN LAWRENCE — Only a Faint Resemblance of the Twister in Nebraska. — Yesterday, Easter Sunday, came near establishing a record for windiness. A high wind prevailed all day and last night for an hour it attained a velocity of 58 miles an hour. Evidently it was a remnant of the Nebraska cyclone which was felt here. The wind was accompanied by a heavy rain and hail…. Later in the night, the rain had ceased and instead the wind was loaded with sand and dust. This morning the streets were covered with red sand, said to have been blown up here from Oklahoma.”
  • “There are now about 200 automobiles in Douglas County. The New State Law enacted at the 1913 session of legislature levies a tax of $5 per auto. This money is to be used in the improvement of the roads of the county from which it comes. This means that about $1,000 will be collected in Douglas county annually. $200 of this will be required to cover the expenses of collection. $800 will go into a fund for the purpose of improving the country roads in Douglas County…. It is understood that the autoists are ready to hand over their Fives and will urge the county commissioners to start the work of improvement as soon as possible.”
  • “‘It was a great disappointment to me when the bill compelling truthful advertising failed to pass,’ remarked Gustafson, the jeweler, recently to a representative of the Journal-World. During the discussion which followed attention was called to the advertising of a metropolitan jeweler who advertised widely a special offer of a $35.00 watch for $16.50, one dollar down and one dollar a week. Mr. Gustafson went to his show case, picked up a watch marked in plain figures $13.50 and said: ‘There is the identical watch advertising as being worth $35.00 and actually sold for $16.50. I sell it at a fair profit at $13.50 and the man who advertises it as a thirty-five dollar watch needs watching.'”