100 years ago: March comes in like a lion

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for March 1, 1913:

  • “March has made its appearance and it was of the lion-like variety. This morning the thermometer stood at the zero mark and bid welcome to the new month. In thirty-one days the old saw will either be proved or repudiated. The entrance of the month as it was is said to indicate a lamb variety finish…. The weather man forecasts fairer weather and less snow for the next 24 hours and he has been knowing recently.”
  • “By a vote of 244 to 95 the House today re-passed the Webb bill [prohibiting the shipment of liquors into dry territory] over the President’s veto. The Senate passed it over the veto last night and the bill now becomes a law. Only once before in fifteen years has Congress over-ridden a President’s veto…. The Webb Bill makes it possible for the authorities of Kansas to seize any shipment of liquor sent into the state and investigate the sale. Under the provisions of the bill consignments of liquor must be for individual use of the consignee and the shipper must prove this to the authorities before the liquor is permitted to go on its way. If a shipment of liquor is made from Kansas City to Lawrence, it may be seized the moment it crosses the state law and an investigation begun. It may be taken when it arrives at Lawrence…. The progress of the bill has been closely watched by the Kansas authorities as it means much to them, in the enforcement of the prohibitory law in this state.”
  • “Beginning next week there will be nineteen deputy assessors at large in Douglas County. Each one is carrying a set of blank books and one of them will call on you within the next few weeks to ask at least 150 questions which he is authorized to do by law. The questions to be asked will cover everything of interest regarding your personal property and a few other things as well.”
  • “It is reported that Governor Hodges is going to keep Professor Dyche in the office of fish and game warden. Prof. Dyche has been an intelligent and capable official and he knows fish. His retention would be gratifying to the real friends of fish and game.”
  • “F. S. Cowles believes that he has the prize hog of Douglas county in a six months’ old porker who weighs 250 pounds. Mr. Cowles says that the animal is gaining at the rate of 18 pounds per week. The sire of this hog weighed 950 pounds and Mr. Cowles expects this one to equal that.”
  • “Distance is being annihilated. A French aviator flew from London to Paris in 185 minutes actual flying time. He only stopped once, however.”
  • “The newspapers are taking a good deal of space to describe the new nickels. They might as well not do so. What they ought to describe is the new ten dollar bills. Most of us can see the new nickels for ourselves.”