25 years ago: Rural residents object to paintball games in nearby field

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for June 23, 1988:

  • Residents of Cedarwood Hills, a rural subdivision south of Lawrence, were objecting this week to a proposed “war game” scheduled to take place in the area. A company called Splatter Inc. had proposed using a field two miles south of Lawrence for a combat game with paint guns, but neighbors in the area appealed in person to the Lawrence-Douglas County Planning Commission, saying that the proposal was immoral, unsafe, and offensive. Commissioners decided in favor of the residents, unanimously recommending denial of the conditional use permit for the 40-acre tract and saying that it wasn’t an appropriate use next to an established neighborhood.
  • In Washington, D.C., the Federal Communications Commission voted to fine a Missouri television station for violation of the FCC’s new decency standards. Station KZKC-TV out of Kansas City had aired the movie “Private Lessons” in May 1987 at 8 p.m., a time that the FCC had determined that children might be in the audience. The new guidelines only allowed such material to be aired after midnight. Although all three commissioners agreed that the movie fit the indecency definition, Commissioner Patricia Dennis objected to the fine, saying that “parents, not the commission, should bear the primary responsibility of deciding what their children should watch at night.” FCC chair Dennis Patrick disagreed, saying that the government must help parents in deciding what their children watch on TV and also that it was reasonable to assume that there were unsupervised children in the pre-midnight TV audience.