100 years ago: Heat and humidity settle in for a long stay

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for July 30, 1913:

  • “We have with us again today Hon. A. Hot Wave. The distinguished visitor arrived yesterday and proceeded at once to make himself entirely ‘To Home,’ much to the discomfiture of the hoi polloi here below. He was accompanied by General Humidity, Sir High Thermometer and Old Sol. The General announced that he was coming and High Thermometer informed the populace of his arrival while Sol looked on from above and smiled his broadest smile. The inhabitants of Lawrence and of Kansas as a whole formed the reception committee, but it was not a cordial sort of welcome which they extended the visiting party. However, the visitors had come and they planned to stay and could not be jilted…. High Thermometer announces that the maximum for the afternoon was 99 degrees. He tried hard to climb another point, but the reception was entirely too chilly, and he was obliged to stop just a mark below 100. However, he informed the public this morning that he would make another attempt today…. The heat wave was very general over the state of Kansas today and it is continuing today. Some extremely high figures are reported from points over the state and also from neighboring states. A temperature of 107 was reached at Clay Center, Kan., and it was only a degree or two cooler in other Kansas towns…. To say that it was hot yesterday in Kansas, however, does not tell the whole story. Stock in many sections suffered because springs and wells have dried up. In the vicinity of Leavenworth creeks are disappearing into their beds and farmers are beginning to plow under their weather-seared cornfields so as to sow winter wheat on the ground. Hot winds played havoc with the corn there and a record drouth seems to be in progress…. Wheat and oat straw is being baled to meet a lean winter and to keep cattle and horses from starvation then.”
  • “Officials from twenty-five Kansas cities are in Topeka this afternoon to discuss a plan with Governor Hodges and members of the public utilities commission for municipal owned gas plants and voting bonds in certain instances for the taking over of the property of the Kansas Natural Gas Company. Some of the officials are inclined to favor the plan, while others strongly oppose it because of the uncertainty of future supply.”
  • “As the result of a challenge from the employees of the Daily Gazette issued to the employees of the Journal-World, another of those baseball games extraordinaire is to be staged on next Monday night. The affair is booked for Woodland Park, as soon after press time as possible.”