100 years ago: Voters to be polled tomorrow on new bridge question

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for July 21, 1913:

  • “The voters of Douglas County tomorrow will decide whether they will build a new, modern bridge across the Kansas River at Lawrence or permit the present old and antiquated steel structure to remain as the avenue of connection between the two sides of the river. Tomorrow is the big day in the bridge affair. There has been considerable discussion and campaigning on both sides of the proposition. Tomorrow the voters will be heard from. The ballot that is to be used is a very simple one and in view of this fact the returns should arrive shortly after the close of the polls. It is merely a question of ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ on this ballot and judges and clerks will be ready to report early…. The people of Lawrence are aroused on this bridge proposition. They have seen the old structure sway and wobble under a load and they have heard it creak and groan until they have been frightened into a realization of the need of a new bridge, and that in the very near future. Experts have stated that the old structure will be subject to condemnation before many more years and they have advised immediate action. Tomorrow is the chance, what will the verdict of the voters be?”
  • “The Kaw River yesterday afternoon claimed the life of Francisco Maguldo, a Mexican railroad laborer employed by the Santa Fe Railroad. Maguldo and a number of his companions were swimming in the river just east of the city limits yesterday afternoon when the accident occurred. The young man evidently got past his depth and was unable to swim out. Help arrived shortly afterward and the river was dragged for the body. It was recovered about an hour afterward…. The unfortunate Mexican was but 21 years old. He had only recently come from Old Mexico to work for the railroad company. He has no relatives here and no money and it is quite probable that the body will be given to the University of Kansas.”
  • “Carelessness with a match caused a small blaze at the Journal-World office late yesterday afternoon. A stranger passing the office attempted to light his pipe, the match broke and lodged on the awning in front of the office and soon there was a blaze. The fire department was called but the fire was out when the department arrived. At first, the cause of the fire was unknown, but today one who saw the happening told of it.”
  • “The barn on the farm of J. R. Baker in the Fairview neighborhood was entirely destroyed by fire early this morning. There is no clue to the origin of the fire…. Mr. Baker drove out from town this morning and when he approached the barn he heard a horse whinny. He thought that sounded unusual and drove at once to the barn. He found that there was a fire in the barn about the size of a barrel. He at once gave the alarm and the neighbors responded. Lloyd Waldron was among the first to arrive and he received several burns for his pains…. The barn was totally destroyed, but it was insured. The live stock was all saved, but the alfalfa hay was burned…. The sheaf oats were also burned. The loss falls heavy upon Mr. Bond, the renter, who was away from home at the time. He had left before the fire was started, and didn’t get back until it was out. His loss is not covered by any insurance and it will go hard with him.”
  • “One of the more important events of the Summer Conference of the United Brethren Church which is being held in Lawrence this week is to be the laying of the corner stone of the new church which is being erected on the corner of Vermont and Ontario streets. Work on the new church is progressing nicely and it is expected to be completed by fall. At present the United Brethren Church is located across the river but when it was planned to replace it with a new structure it was decided to build on the south side.”