100 years ago: Weight-based auto tax approved by Lawrence auto club

From the Lawrence Daily Journal-World for Feb. 6, 1913:

  • “Lawrence autoists would pay a tax of one quarter cent per pound on their cars for the purpose of establishing a system of good roads in the state of Kansas. Last night at a meeting of the Douglas County Automobiles and Good Roads Association the members of the club passed a resolution favoring such a tax and a copy of the resolution will be sent to Topeka to the state legislature asking that body to enact such a measure into law. The local car owners were very much opposed to the cent per pound tax which was proposed by Senator Waggener, but on the other hand they have urged some sort of a tax for some time. They considered the cent per pound as rather exorbitant and entered a protest. Since then the Waggener measure has been killed and new legislation is pending regarding the financial relation which the autoist should bear to Good Roads. A weight tax is considered as the most advisable as it would be easier to determine the amount to be paid than if the tax were per horse power as has also been proposed.”
  • “Shortly after 9 o’clock last night an unsuccessful attempt to enter the home of A. Hackbarth at 912 Rhode Island street was made by an unknown man. He tried the doors and windows, but found them all locked. The man was seen passing a window and is said to have been a white man wearing a mask. It is suspected that the man was the same as one who called at the place a few days ago soliciting for a certain line of goods.”
  • “The First Regimental Band have ordered a new silver plated monster double B bass. This horn is one of the largest and most expensive horns made costing $175. It will be used by the band in its concerts in the parks this summer.”